The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) is a statutory body responsible for regulating the energy sector and derives its mandate from the Energy Regulation Act No.12 of 2019. The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) is the statutory national standards body established under an Act of Parliament, the Standards Act No. 4 of 2017 for the preparation and promulgation of Zambian Standards. Section 4(h) of the Energy Regulation Act provides that the ERB in collaboration with the Zambia Bureau of Standards, design standards with regard to the quality, safety and reliability of the supply of energy. In this regard, the ERB in consultation with ZABS and other stakeholders have revised the standard:

DZS 372; TRANSPORTATION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS: Operational Requirements for Road Tank Vehicles – Code of Practice

This code of practice covers the roadworthiness of the conveying vehicle, the training of the driver and safe parking for road tank vehicles. The standard establishes rules and procedures for the safe operation and handling of road vehicles that are used for the conveyance of petroleum products in excess of the exempt quantities (ZS 371) on any road (public or private).

This notice serves to invite the public, interested and affected parties to submit comments on the abovementioned Draft Zambian Standard. Copies of the draft standard can be obtained from the ERB and/or ZABS offices at the addresses indicated below. Further, draft electronic copies may also be downloaded from the link below.

Draft Standard DZS 372 (Draft for Public Comments)

Stakeholders wishing to respond to the ‘call for public comments’ should follow the four steps below:

Step 1

Download the Draft Standard DZS 749 (Draft for Public Comments) and the Public Enquiry Comment Form (SDF.SP-008) from the link below or physically from the ERB or ZABS offices.

Public Enquiry Comment Form (SDF.SP-008)

Then, respond to the ‘call for public comments’ as described in Step 2 and Step 3 below.

Step 2

Please fill your comments or proposed changes in the Public Enquiry Comment Form that you downloaded in Step 1.

The following is a quick guide on how you could use the Public Enquiry Comment Form to provide your comments or proposed changes:

a) In the first column of the Public Enquiry Comment Form, identify the Clause Number or Sub-clause Number of the Draft Standard on which you have a comment or proposed change;

b) In the second column, identify the Paragraph, Figure or Table on which you have a comment or proposed change;

c) In the third column, indicate the type of comment or proposed change you would like to make. Indicate te for technical, ge for general or ed for editorial comments;

d) In the fourth column, give a reason for your comment or proposed change (Justification for change); and

e) Finally in column five, indicate the proposed change.

Step 3

Upon completion of filling in the Public Enquiry Comment Form with all your comments or proposed changes, kindly submit the Form to the Director General, ERB or the Executive Director ZABS no later than 30th October 2024 to the following addresses:

Head Office Plot No. 9330 Dan Pule Road, Mass Media P.O. Box 37631, Lusaka Tel: +260 211 258845-49 Email: Website: Copperbelt Office Plot 332 Independence Avenue P.O. Box 22281 Kitwe Tel: +260 212 220944 
Southern Region Office P.O. Box 60292, Livingstone Tel: +260 213 321562-3 Northern Region Office Plot No. 2623, Lunzua Road, Kasama Tel: +260 977 104272

Toll Free Line:    8484

or contact the Zambia Bureau of Standards at:

Head Office

Lechwe House, Freedom Way – South End,

P. O. Box 50259, Lusaka

Tel: +260 211 231385
