Request for Public Comments on the Draft Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Technical Regulations

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) is a statutory body responsible for regulating the energy sector and derives its mandate from the Energy Regulation Act No.12 of 2019.

The ERB with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under Alternatives to Charcoal (A2C) project, is in the process of developing the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Technical Regulations in Zambia. In this regard, the ERB and USAID-A2C project in consultation with other stakeholders have developed a draft LPG Technical Regulations.

The Regulations are aimed at enhancing compliance with health, safety and environmental requirements which is critical to the promotion of the use of LPG in the nation.

This notice serves to invite the public, interested and affected parties to submit comments on the said draft Regulations. Copies of the draft Regulations can be obtained from the ERB offices at the addresses indicated below. Further, draft electronic copies may also be downloaded from the links below.

Zero Draft Liquefied Petroleum Gas Regulation

Comments Form

Comments on the draft standards should be submitted to the ERB Acting Director General, for the attention of Mr. Chewe Kanwa email:, no later than 31st August 2024.


For clarifications or details, please contact the Energy Regulation Board at:

Head Office
Plot No. 9330 Dan Pule Road, Mass Media
P.O. Box 37631, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 258845-49
Copperbelt Office
Plot 332 Independence Avenue
P.O. Box 22281
Tel: +260 212 220944 
Southern Region Office
P.O. Box 60292, Livingstone
Tel: +260 213 321562-3
Northern Region Office
Plot No. 2623, Lunzua Road, Kasama
Tel: +260 977 104272

Toll Free Line: 8484