Charter aimed at protecting consumers and ensuring the obligations of the utility and the regulator are rightly stated. In order to enhance the quality of electricity services by ZESCO, ERB recognised the need to develop an Electricity Consumer Charter was developed after nationwide stakeholder consultations. Subsequently, the Charter was adopted and launched on 15th February 2007.
The charter is an embodiment of obligations and rights of parties and their promise and commitment to uphold and to respect such rights and obligations. It is not legally binding, but a pledge of trust and commitment among the regulator, utility and consumer. There are pros and cons to both legally and non-legally binding charters. However, for the purposes of consumer education and efficacy in Zambia, the non-legally binding strategy is being employed.
Will help to strengthen relationship with consumers & consumer bodies as it will help educate the public about the concept of paying for electricity. It will be a constant reminder of the customer care pledge.