The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) is a statutory body responsible for regulating the energy sector and derives its mandate from the Energy Regulation Act No.12 of 2019 read in conjunction with the Electricity Act No. 11 of 2019.
The Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) is the statutory national standards body established under an Act of Parliament, the Standards Act No. 4 of 2017 for the preparation and promulgation of Zambian Standards.
Section 4(h) of the Energy Regulation Act provides that the ERB in collaboration with the ZABS design standards with regard to quality, safety and reliability of the supply of energy. In this regard, the ERB in consultation with ZABS and other stakeholders has developed standards for bioethanol for cooking and their associated appliances:
- DZS 1236 Denatured Hydrous Ethanol for use as Cooking and Appliances Fuel – Specification;
- DZS 1237 Non-Pressurized Ethanol Cooking Appliances Using Liquid Fuel – Specification;
- DZS 1238 Ethanol Gel for Cooking and other Gel Burning Appliances – Specification;
- DZS 1239 Ethanol – Gel Fueled Appliances – Specification;
This notice serves to invite the public, interested and affected parties to submit comments on the above Draft Zambian Standards. Copies of the draft standards can be obtained from the ERB and/or ZABS offices at the addresses indicated below. Further, draft electronic copies may also be downloaded from here.
Comments on the draft standards should be submitted using the comments form to the Acting Director General, ERB or the Director General ZABS no later than Friday, 17th June, 2022.
For clarifications or details, please contact the Energy Regulation Board at:
Head Office Plot No. 9330 Dan Pule Road, Mass Media, P. O. Box 37631 Tel: +260 211 258853, Fax: +260 211 258852 Lusaka Email: Toll Free Line: 8484 | Copperbelt Office Plot 332 Independence Avenue P. O. Box 22281 Tel: +260 212 220944 Kitwe |
Southern Region Office, P. O. Box 60292 Tel: +260 213 321562-3 Livingstone | Northern Region Office Plot No. 76 Mayadi, P. O. Box 480052 Tel: +260 214 565170 Chinsali |
Or contact the Zambia Bureau of Standards at: Head Office,
Lechwe House; Freedom Way – South End
P. O. Box 50259, Lusaka
Tel: +260 211 231385, Fax: +260 211 238483, Website: Email: