Multi-Year Tariff Framework Rule for Determining the Revenue Requirement for Distribution Network Service Providers
Multi-Year Tariff Framework Rule for Determining the Revenue Requirement for Distribution Network Service Providers
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Multi-Year Tariff Framework Rule for Determining the Revenue Requirement for Distribution Network Service Providers
Multi-Year Tariff Framework Rule for Determining the Revenue Requirement of a Regulated Generator
The Energy Sector Report (ESR) is the flagship publication of the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) that captures key highlights of all the notable achievements that
Following award of contracts, the Energy Regulation Board hereby publishes the following contracts in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act No. 8
The Energy Sector Report provides useful information pertaining to the performance of the energy sector in Zambia. The report highlights the various programs, projects and
This is the procurement plan to be followed by the Energy Regulation Board for the year 2022.
Large zipped Excel spreadsheets covering, among other things, the market share, percentages, quantities, and provincial splits for commercial, retail, aviation & lubricants. The raw data
Large zipped Excel spreadsheets covering, among other things, the market share, percentages, quantities, and provincial splits for commercial, retail, aviation & lubricants. The raw data
Large zipped Excel spreadsheets covering, among other things, the market share, percentages, quantities, and provincial splits for commercial, retail, aviation & lubricants. The raw data
Tabulated wholesale prices of fuel, month to month from 2012-2017